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The DC Offices

Top Producers are born here. We are the largest Pest Control Company in Northern Va and the fastest growing in Southern Maryland. 7 of the 10 wealthiest counties surround the DC area, and we knock in all of them. High wealth concentration combined with our training, leads to the highest revenue per rep average in the nation with the best retention. DC is also the most fascinating place to explore over the summer. There are 100’s museums, restaurants, events, and activities that are wholly unique to our nation's Capital. Whether you are looking for a fun place to go in the summer, or recruit a team, this place has it all.

Incredible Location

Washington ranks as the fourth-best place to live among big U.S. metropolitan areas. U.S. News & World Report “2022 Best Places to Live” in the country.

High performance

High-performing sales reps genuinely want to help their customers. Having a mindset on the customer's problem and how they can provide a solution.

Elite Training

Our training gives everyone a great understanding of their responsibilities and the knowledge and skills they need to do this job. Daily or weekly trainings provided for all reps.

Proven Leaders

“A great leader posses a clear vision, is courageous, has integrity, honesty, humility and clear focus." Moxie knows leadership, come find out for yourself.

Think about this!

Based on our historical data, take this personality test to see your chances on a scale of 1-10 of making at least $50,000 or more in a summer with Moxie. Once you have taken a test, click the link to schedule a time to review your results.

Take the test

-Nervous about taking a chance on a commission-based job?

-Finding the right company to work for?

-Unsure if leaving home for the summer is worth it?

-Stressed about things like life in general?

-How does this compare to an internship?

-Stressed about how you can afford school next year?

Top Producers

“Our most important financial asset is our own capacity to earn.”

Tanner Boren

Office Head

Tanner Boren has produced over 13 million in revenue and just under 100 team leaders. He attributes his success to his focus on personal discipline. If you want to be successful, you need to be disciplined. You need to have a plan, and you need to follow through with it. So if you're ready to expand your sales organization, take a look.

Charlie Stone

5th Year Rep

Charlie Stone, the top-performing rep at 450k in total revenue. Just on his team, he had three reps with over 200k in revenue, including a rookie at over 250k in revenue. Charlie talks about how his success is all about mindset and how you need to approach every day with the intention of winning.

Matt Freeman

5th year rep

Matt Freeman, a previous top rookie in 2019 to now has brought in over 3.5 million dollars in revenue at Moxie Pest Control. I will discuss how Matt grows and develops cultural winning and retention. This past summer, he had every sales rep in his division sign on in one day in July. Known for loving his representatives into success, Matt will discuss all that goes into making that happen.

Travis Kotowski

7th year rep

He had a production total of 275k. That's not a typo- he did produce that much in the summer. And he's been doing this for over seven years. He is consistently increasing production yearly. More impressive than his results is how he has overcome many obstacles to get where he is now, including the birth of his deaf son in the summer. Listen to one of the most inspiring sales managers we work with.

Tanner Davenport

4th Year Rep

I am Tanner Davenport, and I am passionate about helping people reach their full potential. I believe that everyone has the ability to be successful and happy, and I am dedicated to helping them achieve that. I will work tirelessly to help you reach your goals, and I am always available to answer any questions you may have. Day or night, I am here for you. So please, let me help you become the best version of yourself!

Josė Alfredo T

1st year rep

Jose Alfredo's life changed when he decided to become a salesman. He quit his plumbing job, left everything he owned, and drove across the country with his wife and son. But he was determined to succeed, and he did. Today, Jose is one of the top salesmen at his company. He's an inspiration to everyone who meets him and proves that anything is possible if you're willing to work for it.

Tyrell Mangum

7th Year rep

Tyrell Mangum, who has been on the doors for over 5 years. I've seen a lot of people come and go, and I know what it takes to be successful. If you want to perform like a professional athlete, you need discipline, focus, and determination. With these three things, you can achieve anything you set your mind to. According to Tyrell, winning is your patriotic duty!

Evan Hershberger

5th year rep

Evan Hershberger AKA “The Slim Reaper,” puts on 300k in revenue, and gets everyone to sign to come back next summer. Evan also shares with married reps how he and Caroline set expectations and goals together to ensure their mutual sacrifice didn’t damage their relationship. Finally, listen to what he is looking to build next year.


Pest Control

Vice President of Sales

My name is Chase Kotowski, VP of Sales at Moxie Pest Control. My family is the most important in my life. I am married to a total babe who loves and supports me in every way (obsessed with her). I have 3 sons, Lincoln, Nixon, and Ford. Each gives me more joy than I could ever imagine. Everything I do at Moxie is in support of them. My purpose is to create freedom and opportunity with everyone I am fortunate to come in contact with. I have found that the closer I cling to our company's core values of integrity, making and keeping commitments, gratitude, and bringing tenacity to all goals, the more successful I am in bringing my purpose to pass. I am looking to engage with others who share those core values and striving for excellence in everything they do.

Connect with Chase Kotowski

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